BAsic Life Support (CPR) experience

My heart was racing. What do I do? Do I remember? Everything was a blur.
All I knew was that the patient flatlined. Asystole. Vital signs absent.
I climbed up onto the bed and settle my shaking knees right next to my patient’s limp arm.
my 2 fingers pad placed into the carotid, felt for a pulse . . . waited . . .
The only pulse I could feel was my own. (nervous)
Unconsciously I press the emergency bell... hope everybody will came in quickly to help me!
I positioned my hands over the patient’s chest. Have I landmarked correctly? mid nipple line? sternum??
Then I pressed down the chest harder as I can.
The mannequin I practiced on seem so inadequate now! The patient’s chest barely moved.
Luckily all nurses on shift came up!
They urged me to press harder. (my mind talked : why don't you take over my place)
My heart pounded faster and my body felt electrified by the adrenaline racing through it.
I pressed down harder. This time the patient’s chest moved, but I felt it cracking under my hands.
Tutor taught us in school that you can break ribs, but I never imagined how freaky this could be!
I relaxed my muscles but definitely not my mind.
I continued chest compression.
Suddenly I realized my hands were wet.
“Keep going,” everyone shouted out, and I did.
After 5 cycles of compressions, I'm ready to exchange because I lost all my energy!
Then I planted my feet beside patient's bed, looked around-- everybody busy to save patient's life so I keep monitoring the cardiac monitor, waiting for heart start beating while charted my observation chart.
Suddenly, the cardiac monitor show sinus rhythm. (my heart also follow to beating to normal rate)
patient survive after 1 hour saving patient's life!!
That was the first time I participated in a cardiac arrest and it was the most challenging and amazing experiences of my life.
I feel so proud that I know how to perform Basic Life Support to save a LIFE! ^^

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